This Bodybuilder Injected Oil Into His Muscles And It Almost Killed Him
Not the greatest idea.
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Romario Dos Santos Alves always wanted to be a body builder, and he modelled himself on his favorite superhero – the Incredible Hulk. To achieve this, he started injecting synthol, a mixture of alcohol and oil that accumulates under the skin, giving the appearance of muscle, but it didn’t go as well as he had hoped… -
Romario first started injecting synthol when he moved away from his home town three years ago. Before he started using, he looked like a normal, healthy man. -
“I saw some really big guys in the gym with huge arms and I started to make friends with them,” he says. “They introduced me to synthol and I got excited about the results – I lost control.” -
Soon, he’d pumped his biceps up to a whopping 25 inches. -
He received mixed attitudes on the street – some congratulated him for what they thought took a lot of hard work, and some were scared and disgusted by his look. -
The negative opinions took him to a bad place, mentally, and it was these attitudes that drove him to attempt suicide while his wife was pregnant with his daughter. -
He even tricked his wife into injecting him with synthol in places he couldn’t reach. “I told her there was no problem with it – that it left the body after a short time.” -
Soon, normal needles wouldn’t do the trick anymore. “My muscles started to solidify and I couldn’t even inject my arms – they were full of rocks,” he claims. Romario needed bigger needles, the kind that vets use on bulls, to get the synthol in. -
When his wife discovered what the synthol was doing, she threatened to leave him. “I decided to fix my ways and I never again wanted to take any drugs,” Romario says. “We went through a really hard time and almost starved.” The synthol began to give him constant pain and he suffered from kidney failure because of toxins in the oil. -
He was hospitalised, and the doctors thought they might have to amputate his arms, but found a way around it. Although he resolved never to take drugs again, he sometimes finds himself slipping. “Two weeks ago I bought a substance called estigor – a horse hormone,” Romario admits. “‘My mind started remembering things that I’ve gone through and I thought that I couldn’t do it – I couldn’t give in to temptation again.” Romario still aims to be a top body builder, but wants to achieve his goals without the use of synthol.
- This Bodybuilder Injected Oil Into His Muscles And It Almost Killed Him
- 30 Pictures From Memory Lane
Romario Dos Santos Alves always wanted to be a body builder, and he modelled himself on his favorite superhero – the Incredible Hulk. To achieve this, he started injecting synthol, a mixture of alcohol and oil that accumulates under the skin, giving the appearance of muscle, but it didn’t go as well as he had hoped…